The sixth catalogue of the Avvistamenti | Sightings series is dedicated to Mario Airò, artist of the space, both physical and mental, who shapes the air through sound with his work and contains it building architecture.
The catalogue, that narrates throughoutfully the artistic personality of Airò, both through his work and the biographical writings that accompany some of it, opens with the images of his work created for the GAM exposition The room where Marsilio would dream to sleep in inspired by the De vita coelitus comparanda by Marsilio Ficino, which consists of an imaginary room with a bed, a writing desk and seven pillars where the sky would rest upon.
Among the other works in the catalogue, those accompanied by the artist’s writings, starting from the work inspired by a screenplay of the movie “Soigne ta droite” by Jean Luc Godard (1986), called Quel pomeriggio qui sulla terra (1998), Ninna-Nanna per barriques e archi (1999), a project fully centered on sound, the work Aurora (1999), introduced by the speech to Chile by Salvador Allende, Springadela (2000), which appears together with the artist’s text on the work of Giordano Bruno, and Raise up the roof beam, carpenters, work of 1999, which is called like a short story by author J.D. Salinger.