Piero Fogliati il poeta della luce

edited by Marisa Vescovo
texts by Piero Bianucci, Jasia Reichardt, Marisa Vescovo, Lara-Vinca Masini
entries edited by Alessandro Trabucco
apparatus edited by Paolo Fogliati
pages: 180
format: 21 x 28 cm
date of publication: November 2003
images: 166 col. and b/w
binding: paperback
language: Italian/English
isbn 9788877571786


The monograph has been published in occasion of the exhibit Piero Fogliati, Poeta della Luca, set up at Tendoni di Ponte Mosca in Turin from November 6th 2003 to January 11th 2004. 

The volume collects the photographic documentation of Piero Fogliati’s work through his artistic career, divided in three main chapters: light, sound and drawings, with the contributions of in-depth critical essays by Piero Bianucci, Josia Reichardt, Marisa Vescovo and Lara-Vinca Masini. 

About one hundred works have been reproduces, with detailed biographical descriptions edited by Alessandro Trabucco. 

Piero Fogliati (Turin 1930-2016), in his artistic research he used unaware perception processes. He works in the invisible with sound and light. Piero Fogliati’s art uses scientific principles in all of his sculptures and installations and studies physiological and psychological phenomenons of perception.