Kcho. La Jungla

texts by Gianfranco Maraniello, José Manuel Noceda Fernández, Corina Matamoros Tuma
pages 112
format 21 x 28 cm
published March 2002
binding softbound
images 49
language Italian/English
isbn 9788877571533


The catalogue of the solo exhibition that GAM in Turin dedicated to the work of Kcho, a young Cuban artist, from 9 February to 7 April 2002, is the ninth in the AVVISTAMENTI 1999-2001 series. Ten exhibitions of contemporary art, curated by Alessandra Pace, with critical contributions by Gianfranco Maraniello, José Manuel Noceda Fernández and Corina Matamoros Tuma. The book includes a rich iconographic repertoire and includes images of the installation, designed and supervised directly by the artist.