Gherardo Bortolotti

Tutte le camere d'albergo del mondo


afterword by Dario Voltolini
pages: 160
format: 12 x 18 cm
publication date: maggio 2022
binding: softbound
language: italiano

isbn 9788877572929


Gherardo Bortolotti is both a refined and a dodgy writer. He manages to create extraordinary hypothetical worlds in this geometrically perfect and sentimentally deep composition. These novels are just drafted, they are digressions that instantly hit. Bortolotti here takes from Calvino and Perec, allowing him to bring the astonishment and tremor of our fragile, at times useless, lives to the page. We face yet another proof of this author’s humble and great talent. 


Gherardo Bortolotti was born in Brescia in 1972. Visionary and experimental, he has published Tecniche di basso livello (Laveri, 2009), Oltre il pubblico: la letteratura e il passaggio alla rete (Nuova prosa, 2014), Le storie del pavimento (Tic Edizioni, 2018), Low. Una trilogia (Tic Edizioni, 2020), Romanzetto estivo (Tic Edizioni, 2021).