Chen Zhen, Miguel Angel Mendo. THAT I MIGHT BE BORN

La Favola dell'Arte

pages: 56
format: 14 X 20 h cm
date of publication: april 2001
illustrations: 28 col.
binding: hardback
language: english
isbn 9788877571311




The Dignitaries of Destiny get together to decide a birth: a new life will be soon assigned to a woman who wish to be a mother. But the decision is taking too much time, and the person who's going to be born decides to ask whether to choose his destiny. So they bring him to that special place called the Yellow Room, where silence can let him be carried by his thoughts, and where a town, a house, a room and a cradle suddenly appear... Here begins the exciting adventure of his birth, full of hopes and expectations, but also of unexpected events that run the risk to prejudice the Call to Life. But finally the miracle is made and what he has just imagined becomes true... From the synergy between Miguel Angel Mendo's words and Chen Zhen's images, a tender and fun fable telling children the mistery of birth through a simple and poetic language, that goes with the colours and shapes of Art.


Chen Zhen (Shangai, 1955 - Paris, 2000). His artistic style had as its basis the encounter between Western and Chinese culture. The artist drew from Taoism, as well as Buddhist religion and philosophy, re-elaborating their meanings, and using them to represent an alternative to the negative influence exercised by the consumer society. The artistic value of his sculptures and installations lies in his constant striving for harmony between body and spirit, which leads to the enriching of one’s inner life.


Miguel Angel Mendo was born in Madrid in 1949. A graduate in psychology, he began working as a psychotherapist in close contact with the world of children and alternative pedagogy. He has written books for children, but also for the theatre, and in the past has been a teacher of cinema, a contributor to various periodicals and an editor for television and radio programmes. The following have been translated into Italian by Edizioni Piemme Junior: Per un maledetto spot which won the Lazarillo Award in 1989, one of Spain's most prestigious prizes for books for the young, and also Un museo sinistro e Che i morti stiano zitti!

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