Ivana Mulatero
Petra Probst

Farinello a Palazzo Madama

pages: 16
format: 17 x 23,5 cm
date of publication: 2001
images: 16
binding: paperback
language: Italian
isbn 9788877571434


A lively guide to the history and decorations of Turin’s historic Palazzo Madama, the booklet is designed for younger readers and visitors. It follows a historical path illustrating the complex story of the building, from its Roman foundations to its medieval extensions, and from the stately Baroque palace to D’Andrade's interventions, and on to the Subalpine Parliament and the site of the Risorgimento to the more recent restoration work that has given the city a place that is a symbol of Turin and its history. The texts by Ivana Mulatero are accompanied by a character called Farinello, illustrated by Petra Probst.

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