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    Ugo Cornia

    Il mio amico Bill Clinton

    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 80
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: March 2025
    package: paperback
    language: Italian

    isbn: 9788877573223


    This is the enchanting story of a friendship between an adult and a child that begins with a shared love of comic books (Asterix, Alan Ford, Tex Willer). The adult is the author, the child is Bill Clinton, i.e. his first name is Bill Clinton (surname is another).

    The story told here already in itself attracts the reader's sympathy: it is curious, original in its quiet everydayness, simultaneously and inseparably funny and serious. But since (we always tend to forget) no story exists if it is not told, it is especially important to say that it is Ugo Cornia's way of narrating that generates the enchantment. His voice, inimitable, sounds in every sentence, in every juxtaposition, in every concealed burst of intelligence. His writing, in all his texts, is a kind of song that resonates with discretion but infinite precision in our literature. It is made up of such personal timbres, melodies, prosodic trends and rhythms that this author is more identifiable than his fingerprints. It grabs you without you realising it, lulls you, leads you, bamboozles you.

    Writing and voice are one and the same in Cornia, the same breath, and always when read at the same time heard. With an absolute degree of subtlety and purity, an indefinable humour little by little, unhurriedly, even wistfully, he offers us a further lens through which to observe life and experience, as if it were the precious gift of a gentle hypnotist.


    Ugo Cornia was born in Carpi and lives in Modena. A graduate in philosophy from Bologna, he has taught in various high schools and has taught Italian for many years at I.I.S. Venturi in Modena. His debut novel Sulla felicità a oltranza, published in 1999 with Sellerio, placed him among the most interesting contemporary Italian narrators. His works include: Modena è piccolissima, illustrated by Giuliano Della Casa (EDT, 2009); Autobiografia della mia infanzia (Topipittori, 2010); Il professionale. Avventure scolastiche (Feltrinelli, 2012); Sono sociavole fino all'eccesso. Vita di Montaigne (Marcos y Marcos, 2015); La vita in ordine alfabetico (La Nave di Teseo, 2021) and Le storie di mia zia (Quodlibet, 2023).


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    Daniele Petruccioli

    Viaggio nell'Ade

    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 104
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: March 2025
    package: paperback
    language: Italian

    isbn: 9788877573216


    Due to the fundamental presence of assonances, internal rhymes, rhythms and repetitions, and metrical wisdom, Daniele Petruccioli's Viaggio nell'Ade ("Journey to Hades") is a text that should be placed in the blurred territories where prose and poetry meet due to Voices, characters and symbolic apparitions set up a concert and a dance in which the descent into the underworld, the meditation on death, i.e. on life, the reminiscences and experiences of the past reach the areas where our stores of archetypes and symbolic structures are layered. I, We, She, You, they all are like bullets fired into the text: they riddle it with their denotative bearing and the complexity of their reciprocal relationships. In this descent the reader gets lost and as if by a miracle finds himself again. Facing death, both as bodies and as thoughts and figures, is the pivot of Petruccioli's concerted meditation, so dense with musicality and rhythms that it engages our sensibilities as readers on many levels.
    Petruccioli's sensitivity to the Italian language incorporates his frequentations as an exquisite translator from other literatures like a yeast, and visions that also come from these further linguistic and textual territories often flare up in his pages. The result is a language that ceaselessly grows and ferments from within, unleashing impressive figures in terms of clarity and relevance (The Old Woman, The Madwoman...). The text is rich in indications for the musical score, alluding to the symphonic universe that welcomes us here with suggestions of the tempo and rhythm that the reading asks of us (Largo, Allegretto in swing's rhythm, Adagio, Rondò, etc.) in order to enjoy it more fully. A surprising text: a lushly, incoercibly vital face-to-face with death.
    Daniele Petruccioli is a translator of novels from Portuguese, French and English. He teaches Editorial Translation and Translation Theory at the University of Rome UNINT. He made his debut with the volume of poetry Sonderkommando (Zona, 2007), has published articles and essays on translating, such as Le pagine nere (La Lepre, 2014), short stories and novels, including La casa delle madri of 2020 (in the dozen of the Strega Prize) and Si vede che non era destino of 2023 (Basilicata Literary Prize), both for TerraRossa Edizioni. He lives in Rome.
  • Il Faraone Anguilla

    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 104
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: November 2024
    package: paperback
    language: Italian

    isbn 9788877573186


    The Pharaoh Amasi, XXVI dynasty, was a man of power whose models were neither the ‘golpe’ nor the ‘lion’, animals whose characteristics a prince should manifest, according to Niccolò Machiavelli's famous metaphor, to govern well. Amasi's model was another animal, according to the happy intuition of Giovanni Mariotti: the eel. Shifty, elusive, shifty, non-linear, cautious, slippery, elusive, the Pharaoh Amasi interpreted the role of the powerful in a decidedly unconventional manner, drawing on his own background as a grave robber. Even in death, Amasi remained as elusive as he had been in life. Instead, Mariotti manages to grasp him with this delightful, exquisite narration. In Amasi's interpretation of power and in the exercise he made of it, Mariotti sees a way, however fragile and imperfect, to keep the civilised life of his subjects within the realm of possible happiness: those who lived in Egypt under Pharaoh Amasi were able to experience la douceur de vivre. A power that was not aggressive, exercised more behind the scenes with intelligence than in the limelight with proclamations, anti-expansionist and attentive to the expansionist drifts of others, quiet in time: a breeze of spring blows from this period, recounted by Mariotti as a cast from Herodotus. And it is, mysteriously, the same fragrant breeze that passes through the perfect sentences of this prose that breathes, oxygenates, produces lightness and well-being in the reader.


    Giovanni Mariotti was born in Versilia in 1936 and lives in Milan. He worked for many years at various publishing houses. He has translated works by Itard, Gobineau, Schwob, Denon and Nerval. Furthermore, he has collaborated with several newspapers such as L'Espresso, Corriere della Sera and with the art magazine FMR. His works include with Adeplhi Storia di Matilde (2003) and Piccoli addii (2021), with Franco Maria Ricci La carpa del sogno (2017) and La gatta, Borges e il foxterrier (2020) and with La Nave di Teseo the recent I manoscritti dei morti viventi (2023).

  • La promessa del ritorno

    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 80
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: June 2024
    package: paperback
    language: Italian

    isbn: 9788877573155


    Different animals stand out in the world created by Santangelo, a raw, violent world. A wild panther struggles against the submissiveness and carelessness of men, a family of tuna seek revenge before fierce hands that crush, two dogs fight clandestinely without meaning to, a boy still searches for 'tomorrow', together with his grandfather and his hen, his eyes full of hope and wonder as he admires the flying rocket still on the ground. One strolls between past and present, through ancient Rome, in the arena of the Colosseum, among fishing boats overlooking a sea full of blood, amidst floating cages and a sky full of stars.

    Story titles: 'The Panther Who Lived Three Times'; 'The Pit'; 'Revenge of the Tuna'; 'The Promise of Return'.

    Essay: 'Why write fairy tales today'.


    Evelina Santangelo is a writer, editor and teacher of Storytelling Techniques. For Einaudi she published the short stories "L'occhio cieco del mondo" (The Blind Eye of the World) and several novels, among them: "Il giorno degli orsi volanti" (The Day of the Flying Bears, 2005), "Senzaterra" (Landless, 2008) and "Da un altro mondo" (From Another World, 2018; Book of the year 2018 Fahrenheit, Rai Radio 3; Premio Feudo di Maida 17th edition; Superpremio Sciascia-Racalmare 30th edition; Premio Pozzale Luigi Russo 67th edition). His latest book was published by Einaudi in 2023 "Il sentimento del mare" (The feeling of the sea; Costa Smeralda Prize). Again for Einaudi, he edited Terra matta by Vincenzo Rabito, translated "Firmino" by Sam Savage and "Rock 'n' Roll" by Tom Stoppard. His articles have appeared in national newspapers, blogs and weeklies. He collaborates with the weekly L'Espresso.


  • Materiali onirici di un somarello marino

    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 152
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: May 2024
    package: paperback
    language: Italian

    isbn: 9788877573117


    In his Materiali onirici di un somarello marino ("Dream Materials of a Seahorse"), the author gives us what is so far his most mysterious book, an unexpected underwater tale. With fairytale-like movements, aquatic beings meet and turn away: a blue goldfish, a Pippocampo hippocampus, sponges, crabs, prawns such as Lucio, and an enigmatic seahorse named Italia. These beings move through scenery of abandoned wrecks, seabeds, tuffaceous stones, corroded metal railings mixed with molluscs, and corals. However, the tale has a painful soul, every character swim in a nightmare full of dangers (including us humans with our nets and aquariums), and nobody is master of his own direction. This is an important text to penetrate the writing of this narrator of ours, a Ligurian of hinterland and steep stones who here descends directly below the surface of the sea and shows us in the form of an apologue what moves beneath the earth's crust of stories.


    Marino Magliani was born in a Ligurian valley and has spent most of his life outside Italy. Today he lives between Liguria and the Dutch coast, where he writes and translates. Writer, translator, comic book scriptwriter, his latest novel is Il bambino e le isole (66thand2nd, 2023), while his latest translation is Islario fantastico argentino (TARKA editions, 2023). Perhaps, he would never have written "The Speech of a Hippocampus" if he had not called himself Marino.

  • La ragnatela

    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 112
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: May 2024
    package: paperback
    language: Italian

    isbn: 9788877573100


    Through the story of the tarantella, a passionate and ancient dance of celebration, courtship and healing, Gilda Policastro engages in a pressing exploration and reflection on her own evolution, a cultural, sentimental, sexual and existential evolution. In La ragnatela, each sentence encapsulates and demonstrates the writer's skill and intelligent mastery. Because it is the way it is written (the rhythm, the astonishing mixture of lexicons derived from spheres that are in themselves distant, which in her hands collide and flourish in the same paragraph, the essentiality of the writing) that makes the text astonishing: how the author managed to find an unexpected USB port in our cerebral circumvolutions is unknown, but the fact remains that the download we manage to make of so many third-contents is as quick as a spider bite.


    Gilda Policastro has published, among others, the novels Il farmaco (Fandango, 2010), Cella (Marsilio, 2015), La parte di Malvasia (La Nave di Teseo, 2021) and the poetry books Non come vita (Aragno, 2013), Inattuali (Transeuropa, 2016) and La distinzione (Giulio Perrone, 2023). A lecturer in Italian Literature, he collaborates with the Molly Bloom Academy of Creative Writing in Rome and the cultural websites Le parole e le cose. Literature and Reality and Snaporaz. He has published essays on contemporary authors, including L'ultima poesia: scritture anomale e mutazioni di genere dal secondo Novecento a oggi (Mimesis, 2021).