  • Il tempo che rimane

    La stanza del mondo

    postface by Matteo Maria Zuppi

    pages: 144
    format: 16 x 22,5 cm
    publication date: May 2023
    binding: softbound
    language: italiano

    isbn 9788877572981


    Belma Goralija left suddenly. I didn't have time to meet her in her house or at the café, as I had thought. Nor did I have time to return to Sarajevo, where she lived. Accessory was the pandemic that cancelled the plane ticket I had bought two years ago. Now I regret this lost time and I am shocked at the voracious time of human nature in which our days flow. We will not be able to meet, talk, listen. I will no longer be able to write what I should have written. Then I and anyone else may ask: what to do with the time that remains? Just that time, our time that we have left to live. Before it was the time to run, to write, every day. Of telling others what life daily life disclosed. Today it seems to me the time to grasp the memories of those we have met, because they have something or perhaps a lot to teach. This verb seems beautiful. "The time that remains" pass through their faces, their stories, by what they have taught us. The index of the book will be the letters of their names.


    Filippo Landi was born in Rome in 1954. He graduated in Political Science at the University La Sapienza in Rome. In 1978 he participated in the founding of the weekly "Il Sabato". He joined RAI in 1987. Correspondent in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait during the First Gulf War, then in former Yugoslavia and Sarajevo, during the years of the siege, in Kosovo and Albania. In 2001 he returned to the Middle East, as RAI correspondent in Cairo and from 2003 in Jerusalem, where he remained until 2014. On his experience in Kosovo he wrote Un treno per Blace (La Meridiana, 1999).

  • Il leone e l'usignolo. Un viaggio attraverso la Turchia moderna

    La stanza del mondo

    translation by Luca Castelletti
    postface by Andrea Bajani
    pages: 164
    format: 16 x 22,5 cm
    published: April 2022
    binding: brossura
    language: italian

    isbn 9788877572875


    Turkey is a land torn between East and West, and between its glorious past and a dangerous, unpredictable future. After the violence of an attempted military coup against President Erdogan in 2016, an event which shocked the world, journalist and novelist Kaya Genc travelled around his country on a quest to find the places and people in whom the contrasts of Turkey's rich past meet. As suicide bombers attack Istanbul, and journalists and teachers are imprisoned, he walks the streets of the famous Ottoman neighborhoods, telling the stories of the ordinary Turks who live among the contradictions and conflicts of Anatolia, one of the world's oldest civilizations. The Lion and the Nightingale presents the spellbinding story of a country whose history has been split between East and West, between violence and beauty - between the roar of the lion and the song of the nightingale.
    Weaving together a mixture of memoir, interview and his own autobiography, Genc takes the reader on a contemporary journey through the contradictory soul of the Turkish nation.


    Kaya Genç is a journalist, novelist, and essayist from Istanbul. He holds a PhD in English Literature and he is the author of four books, The Lion and the Nightingale (I.B. Tauris, 2019), Under the Shadow (I.B. Tauris, 2016), An Istanbul Anthology (American University in Cairo Press, 2015), and Macera (YKY, 2008). He has contributed essays and articles to the world's leading magazines and newspapers, including The New York Times, Foreign Affairs, Times Literary Supplement, The New Yorker, The Nation, The Paris Review, The Guardian, and The Financial Times. The Atlantic selected Kaya's writing for the magazine's list of "Best Journalism Works of 2014".

  • FUORI! 1971 – 2021. 50 anni dalla fondazione del primo movimento omosessuale in Italia

    edited by Roberto Mastroianni and Chiara Miranda
    pages: 160
    published: October 2021
    binding: softbound
    language: Italian
    isbn 9788877572349


    Fifty years ago, the first Italian movement for the liberation of homosexuals was born in Turin: FUORI!. At the same time, the magazine of the same name came out, the voice and the organizational tool of a "community" that is slowly expanding throughout Italy. To retrace the genesis, developments and legacies of an experience that marks the physiognomy of the current Italian LGBTQ + movement, the Diffused Museum of the Resistance together with the Polo del '900 and the Sandro Penna Foundation - OUT! present the exhibition “FUORI! 1971 - 2021. 50 years from the foundation of the first homosexual movement in Italy ”, which takes place from 24 September to 24 October 2021, of which this book is a theoretical and historical-critical restitution and integration.

  • John Keane

    Potere e umiltà. Il futuro della monitory democracy

    La stanza del mondo

    translation by Piernicola D’Ortona
    pages: 496
    format: 16 x 22,5 cm
    date of publication: January 2021
    binding: softbound
    language: Italian
    isbn 9788877572806


    There is no more time: democracy must make an effort of imagination and must reinvent itself if it seeks to respond to the challenges and changes of recent years. John Keane, one of the most innovative political scientists on representative democracy and its global evolution, is convinced of this. The author of numerous texts of international importance, John Keane proposes a radically new interpretation of the destiny of democracy in the twenty-first century. And he has coined a new definition to deal with: monitory democracy.


    John Keane, born in Australia in 1949, lives in Sydney. He is Professor of Political Theory at the University of Sydney and at the Research Centre for Social Sciences in Berlin (WZB). Keane is also a member of the Royal Society of Arts, founder of the Research Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD), external adviser to the United Nations and member of the American Institutions of Democracy Commission. His texts include: The Life and Death of Democracy, Global Civil Society?, Vaclav Havel: a political tragedy in Six Acts, the award-winning Tom Paine: a political life e Media and Democracy, which has been translated into more than twenty languages. Potere e Umiltà. Il futuro della monitory democracy is in its first Italian edition.



    texts by Gianluca e Massimiliano De Serio, Suad Omar Sheikh Esahaq, Andrea Del Boca, Luca Ciabarri, Gabriele Proglio
    pages: 247
    format: 16,5 x 22 cm
    date of publication : 2019
    images: 102
    binding: softbound
    language Italian/Somali
    isbn 9788877572783


    The second book in the Ultralibri series, Stanze in a certain way narrates eight years in the creative evolution of the duo of artists and directors Gianluca and Massimiliano De Serio, who recently presented SPACCAPIETRE, the only Italian title in competition in Venice Days at the Venice Film Festival 2020.

    The book offers an experience full of theatrical, poetic and cinematographic projects dedicated to the Somali lands and to the critique of Italy’s colonial past, linking old and new subjugations. The volume includes, among others, a contribution by Andrea Del Boca and historical essays by Luca Ciabarri and Gabriele Proglio.


    Gianluca and Massimiliano De Serio were born in Turin in 1978. They have worked together since 1999 as visual artists, screenwriters and film directors. Over the years they have directed short films, documentaries and produced installations that have participated in the most important national and international film festivals and various exhibitions.

  • Zena El Khalil
    Healing Lebanon

    Beirut. Day 41


    pages 304
    format 16,5 x 22 cm
    date of publication: 2019
    binding: softbound
    language Italian/English/Arabic

    isbn 97888775722752


    The book that opens the new Ultralibri series – volumes that are on the borderline between essay, catalogue and artist’s book, going beyond the notion of book itself – represents the sequel to the exhibition of the young Lebanese artist and activist, Zena el Khalil, held in Beirut in 2017. The exhibition, hosted in the emblematic Beit Beirut on the green line in the city centre, expanded to include a large number of people and communities in 40 days of workshops and meetings, projecting the artist’s work onto the entire city, creating an open, inclusive and circular proposal starting from a symbolic place of the Lebanese civil war. The book not only collects that experience but, in the spirit of the artist, widens the discourse and the possible proposals for the care of a city and an entire people, towards a forty-first day. The book contains texts by the artist and Healing Lebanon, a collective author, a true community that is the result of experiences and dialogue.


    Zena el Khalil, born in London in 1976, lives in Beirut. A visual artist, writer, performer, cultural activist and yoga instructor, she works with themes focused on creating a culture of peace and reconciliation.