  • Ruzzoloni


    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 120
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: April 2023
    binding: softbound
    language: Italian

    isbn 9788877573001


    Since her recent literary debut, this author's stylistic maturity and ability to structure the narrative in time has attracted literary attention. Francesca Zupin constructs a limpid tale in perfect balance between pain and grace. Recomposing in a kaleidoscopic sequence a forty-year period of lives, Zupin draws up a story of undercurrent loves, almost friendships, silent deaths, disenchanted relationships. However, the enchantment is actually all profound and it is made up of powerful feelings and disillusions which move beneath the characters' lives like distant, invincible magnets. The fulcrum lies in the character of Nina, a figure who will remain in the considerations she causes in readers and in their hearts. Zupin elegantly sketches the places that host these small and intimately grand affairs, the seaside town, its gentle and poignant meeting places, two balconies, a pastry shop, certain steps. With equal finesse she conjures up distant places - the United States, Germany - with departures, returns, a sailing ship, arriving letters. The confident tone of this writer's voice, a singular blend of sumptuousness and sobriety, is a new and beautiful presence in our Italian literature.


    Francesca Zupin was born in Trieste. She graduated from Milan's Bocconi University and completed a master's degree at the Holden School. She works in an international scientific university in the Middle East. Her first novel Salvamento (Bollati Boringhieri Editore) was published in 2022.





  • Stiratore di luce


    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 88
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: April 2023
    binding: softbound
    language: Italian

    isbn 9788877572998


    Bodo lives with his mother near the Lorettoberg. Bodo and Mom work in their workshop: washing, ironing. Bodo likes ironing very much. Whenever possible, before going to sleep, he looks out of the window and the breeze coming down from the Lorettoberg comforts him. Bodo falls asleep melancholy and serene. He is simple-hearted, but has sometimes unsettling enthusiasms, kept calm pharmacologically. Bodo loves Mom. Bodo falls in love with a customer. When she and her family return to her country just over the border, Bodo's love takes over.

    Franco Stelzer's mastery gives us a marvellous character, a presence that is not to be forgotten. The text, with Central European veins, is inlaid with a profoundly Italian language, as beautiful as a snow crystal. A tale whose precise and measured dose of enchantment makes the prose and its rhythm capable of painting such a creature, Bodo, adhering to her delicate dementia with all the complexity and intelligence of the voice that narrates it. His empathy towards the figure he is inventing is total, with a hint of cruel harshness that concerns Bodo, but above all, exemplarily through him, all of us. This love story is a powerful whisper. The absolute pain that runs through it, however, only comes in second, because the winner, on a knife's edge, is instead a mysterious and inalienable happiness.


    Franco Stelzer was born in 1956 in Trento, where he returned to live in 2002, after long stays in Bologna and Germany. He worked for many years as a teacher of Literature at a linguistic high scool. He was a translator from German (Perutz, Ungar, Tumler, Gruenbein), he writed the volumes of short stories Ano di volpi argentate (2000), Il nostro primo, solenne, stranissimo Natale senza di lei (2003), published by Einaudi, and the novel Matematici nel sole (2009), published by Edizioni Il Maestrale. In 2018, Einuadi published his last novel Cosa diremo agli angeli.

  • Binari


    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 80
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: October 2022
    binding: softbound
    language: italiano

    isbn 9788877572967


    Giorgia Tribuiani's luxuriant literary output seems to revolve around a central point that is brought into direct focus here: the author wrote these pages gazing at the eyes of Medusa. But instead of being petrified, she has managed to creatively take us to this perturbing place.  The short and dry chapters of this novel take us ruthlessly into a tragedy with no way out, namely the scene in which the suicidal person awaits impact. The lingering trauma, however, is that of the train driver, who can do nothing against the inescapable approach of the crash, in spite of all the attempts required by the intervention protocol. The lost life of the suicide creeps into the driver's life like an element nested deep within. The stark, linear chapters in which this tragedy unfolds alternate with other chapters in which we see the traumatised man trying to cope with this disruption in his life that has seeped into him.

    The author accompanies her text with an excellent interview on post-traumatic stress disorder with Dr. Domenico De Berardis, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Director of the Giulianova (TE) Mental Health Centre.

    Giorgia Tribuiani was born in Alba Adriatica in 1985. She has a degree in Publishing and Journalism and a master's degree in Marketing and Communication. She has collaborated with several newspapers and edited online communication for some multinationals. She currently teaches creative writing and holds literary consultancies. She has published Guasti (Voland, 2018), Blu (Fazi, 2021), Padri (Fazi, 2022), Superstar (Tetra Edizioni, 2022) and has appeared in the anthologies Abruzzesi per sempre (Edizioni della Sera, 2019), Polittico (Caffè Orchidea, 2019) and Nuvole corsare (Caffè Orchidea, 2020). For Audino Editore she is the author of a creative writing manual on the uncanny genre, Writing the Uncanny. Models, Techniques, Strategies (2023).


  • Tutte le camere d'albergo del mondo


    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 160
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: maggio 2022
    binding: softbound
    language: italiano

    isbn 9788877572929


    Gherardo Bortolotti is both a refined and a dodgy writer. He manages to create extraordinary hypothetical worlds in this geometrically perfect and sentimentally deep composition. These novels are just drafted, they are digressions that instantly hit. Bortolotti here takes from Calvino and Perec, allowing him to bring the astonishment and tremor of our fragile, at times useless, lives to the page. We face yet another proof of this author’s humble and great talent. 


    Gherardo Bortolotti was born in Brescia in 1972. Visionary and experimental, he has published Tecniche di basso livello (Laveri, 2009), Oltre il pubblico: la letteratura e il passaggio alla rete (Nuova prosa, 2014), Le storie del pavimento (Tic Edizioni, 2018), Low. Una trilogia (Tic Edizioni, 2020), Romanzetto estivo (Tic Edizioni, 2021).

  • Più grande di noi. Confessioni di un pescatore a mosca


    afterword by Dario Voltolini
    pages: 136
    format: 12 x 18 cm
    publication date: maggio 2022
    binding: softbound
    language: italiano

    isbn 9788877572912


    This autobiographical short story accompanies us throughout half a century of a devouring passion, born by buying a small bamboo fishing pole in a stationary store. It takes the protagonist to the final line of fly fishing, the only technique with a culture and tradition, even literary, that dates back centuries. A personal and spiritual evolution is described with a transporting intensity, but always with politeness and irony, giving the reader unthought of images, absolute ethical questions, extraordinary narrative pictures. Moreover, it opens up a lost horizon: that even today life among nature might be possible after all. 


    Raul Montanari was born in 1959 in Bergamo; he lives and works in Milan, where he has been holding creative writing courses since ’99. His most famous works are his novels, La perfezione (Feltrinelli, 1994; Baldini & Castoldi, 2019), Il regno degli amici (Einaudi, 2015) e, sempre per Baldini & Castoldi, Che cosa hai fatto, Chiudi gli occhi, La prima notte, Strane cose domani (Premio Strega Giovani, 2010), La vita finora (2018), Il vizio della solitudine (2021). With Aldo Nove and Tiziano Scarpa he has written Nelle galassie oggi come oggi (Einaudi, 2001), unusual poetry bestseller. He has published the essay l Cristo zen (Indiana, 2011; Baldini & Castoldi, 2022), among plays, screenplays, translations of classical and modern authors.