Björn Braun


texts by Valentina Bruschi, Ignazio Mortellaro
pages: 72
format: 9 x 12 cm
date of publication: September 2018
images: 24
binding: paperback
language: Italian/English
isbn 9788877572257


The third volume of the RADICETERNA series, which accompanies the programme of exhibitions and events inspired by Mario Merz’s Se la forma scompare la sua radice è eterna (While form disappears its Root is eternal), is dedicated to the new project for the Palermo space conceived by the German artist Björn Braun. Braun’s works oscillate, in search of balance, between Nature and Culture, the natural and artificial, proposing collages and sculptures in which the artist’s working method gives no ground to waste, to the unused, and instead proposes a continuous and careful re-elaboration and dynamisation, even of the smallest elements and residues of life, experience or creation. This new project strengthens the relationship between the project room in the eighteenth-century Calidarium, which houses the works of contemporary artists, and the luminous reading room, which contains the books on art and nature that are forming a specialised library open to all, thanks to donations from private citizens, artists and Italian and international institutions.