La stanza del mondo
  • Il leone e l'usignolo. Un viaggio attraverso la Turchia moderna

    La stanza del mondo

    translation by Luca Castelletti
    postface by Andrea Bajani
    pages: 164
    format: 16 x 22,5 cm
    published: April 2022
    binding: brossura
    language: italian

    isbn 9788877572875


    Turkey is a land torn between East and West, and between its glorious past and a dangerous, unpredictable future. After the violence of an attempted military coup against President Erdogan in 2016, an event which shocked the world, journalist and novelist Kaya Genc travelled around his country on a quest to find the places and people in whom the contrasts of Turkey's rich past meet. As suicide bombers attack Istanbul, and journalists and teachers are imprisoned, he walks the streets of the famous Ottoman neighborhoods, telling the stories of the ordinary Turks who live among the contradictions and conflicts of Anatolia, one of the world's oldest civilizations. The Lion and the Nightingale presents the spellbinding story of a country whose history has been split between East and West, between violence and beauty - between the roar of the lion and the song of the nightingale.
    Weaving together a mixture of memoir, interview and his own autobiography, Genc takes the reader on a contemporary journey through the contradictory soul of the Turkish nation.


    Kaya Genç is a journalist, novelist, and essayist from Istanbul. He holds a PhD in English Literature and he is the author of four books, The Lion and the Nightingale (I.B. Tauris, 2019), Under the Shadow (I.B. Tauris, 2016), An Istanbul Anthology (American University in Cairo Press, 2015), and Macera (YKY, 2008). He has contributed essays and articles to the world's leading magazines and newspapers, including The New York Times, Foreign Affairs, Times Literary Supplement, The New Yorker, The Nation, The Paris Review, The Guardian, and The Financial Times. The Atlantic selected Kaya's writing for the magazine's list of "Best Journalism Works of 2014".

  • Non siete stati ancora sconfitti

    La stanza del mondo

    translation by Monica Ruocco
    pages: 288
    format: 16 x 22,5 cm
    date of publication: October 2021
    binding: softbound
    language: Italian
    isbn 9788877572882


    First Italian translation of the writings of the blogger and activist Alaa Abd el-Fattah, one of the protagonists of the 2011 Tahrir Square revolution. The book comes out thanks to an international network of editors and journalists, to the author's family, to Amnesty International that for years follows the case of the writer still in prison, to ARCI and to the collaboration with the Fitzcarraldo publishing house in London that will concomitantly publish in the English translation. A volume capable of portraying the dramatic situation of Egypt in whose prisons it is estimated that over 60,000 political and prisoners of conscience are detained, subjected to torture, capital executions, unfair trial and long periods of preventive detention, in a clear violation of human and civil rights.


    Alaa Abd el-Fattah, born in 1981 in Cairo, entered prison for the first time at the age of 25, in 2006. Egyptian authorities arrested him during a peaceful demonstration in Cairo. Having become the symbolic figure of Egyptian dissidence, he has spent the last six years always inside a cell, also deprived of books and writing paper. He is considered by Amnesty International to be a 'prisoner of conscience', the best known of the tens of thousands of political prisoners in Egyptian prisons. Son of the most important Egyptian family of activists and defenders of human and civil rights, Alaa embodies an entire generation of young Egyptians who put their lives and their intelligence at the service of the right to dignity, individual and collective.

  • Campi magnetici. Scritti di arte e politica

    La stanza del mondo

    translation by Anna Maria Farinato
    pages: 224
    format: 16 x 22,5 cm
    date of publication: September 2021
    binding: softbound
    language: Italian
    isbn 9788877572325


    Art and politics are fields that are strongly connected, they attract and repel each other, draw continuity, and cause ruptures. The essays collected in this volume are subject to the tension between these two forces. They are reflections on the contemporary condition, on the artistic practice, on the limits and potential of the museum: each text is located in time and space and reflects the intellectual path of Manuel Borja-Villel, head of important museum institutions, and some of his curatorial concerns, as responsible for numerous exhibitions and public events over the last thirty years. A supporter of hybridization and sharing of knowledge, in front of the inaccessible compartmentalization of knowledge, this book is committed to interdisciplinary research and the interrelation of multiple fields. And it is, above all, an invitation to reflect on art, its organizations, and its actors.


    Manuel Borja-Villel, was born in Burriana (Spain) in 1957. He has been director of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, director of the Museu d'Art Contemporani in Barcelona, and previously of the Fondació Antoni Tàpies in Barcelona. He holds a BA in Art History from the University of Valencia, Spain, and a PhD in Art History from the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Curator of XXXV Bienal de São Paulo, he currently lives in Madrid.

  • Il libro della scomparsa

    La stanza del mondo

    translation by Barbara Teresi
    pages: 184
    format: 16 x 22,5 cm
    date of publication: May 2021
    binding: softbound
    language: Italian
    isbn 9788877572813




    Something’s happened, an event shrouded in mystery: around midnight, a night like any other night, all Palestinians have disappeared, vanished into thin air. Nobody knows where drivers, farm labourer, doctors, nurses, elderly and young people have gone. What if there were no more Palestinians? What could happen to the Israelis? What could happen in everyone’s life if there was no more the enemy, the scapegoat, the alibi? The Palestinian writer Ibtisam Azem presents one of the most groundbreaking novels of the Arab literary scene.


    Ibtisam Azem, a Palestinian journalist and writer, has published two novels in Arabic: Sariq al-Nawm (The Sleeping Thief, 2011) and Sifr al-Ikhtifaa (The Book of Disappearance, 2014), both for Dar al-Jamal (Beirut, Baghdad and Freiberg am Neckar). The Book of Disappearance finally arrives in the Italian version. Born and raised in Taybeh, in the north of Jaffa, Ibtisam Azem has studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and later at the University of Freiburg in Germany. She works as a journalist in New York for the Arabic newspaper “al-Araby al-Jadeed” and as co-editor in chief of the “ezine Jadaliyya”.



    La stanza del mondo

    translation by Emilia Gut
    pages: 336
    format: 16 x 22,5 cm
    date of publication: January 2021
    binding: softbound
    language: Italian
    isbn 9788877572820


    A mystery novel loved in Algeria and already praised by French critics finally arrives in Italian. On a “national night”, men and boys move circumspectly, like shadows in search of salvation, certain, however, that they cannot survive a tragic destiny, made up of gunshots, executions, murderers. It is the night that Algeria has lived through all the nineties, overwhelmed by one of the bloodiest of civil wars. In an Algiers loved and described in great detail, Adlène Meddi breathes life into the youngsters, the alter egos of his generation, the protagonists of 1994, the Algerian writer’s latest detective story.


    Adlène Meddi, born in 1975 in El Harrach, a suburb east of Algiers, is a French-speaking Algerian journalist, reporter and writer. He studied journalism and media sociology at the University of Algiers and EHESS in Marseille. Since 2009 he has been editor-in-chief of the weekly El Watan. He also collaborates with Le Point magazine and the Middle East Eye website. In 2002 he published his first thriller, Le casse tête turc with Barzakh. In 2008 he released La prière du maure, also through Barkakh, while in 2016 together with Mélanie Matarese he wrote Jours tranquilles à Alger, published by Riveneuve. His third polar, 1994, released in the original language in 2017 again through Barzakh, won the Transfuge Prize 2018 as best French-language thriller.

  • John Keane

    Potere e umiltà. Il futuro della monitory democracy

    La stanza del mondo

    translation by Piernicola D’Ortona
    pages: 496
    format: 16 x 22,5 cm
    date of publication: January 2021
    binding: softbound
    language: Italian
    isbn 9788877572806


    There is no more time: democracy must make an effort of imagination and must reinvent itself if it seeks to respond to the challenges and changes of recent years. John Keane, one of the most innovative political scientists on representative democracy and its global evolution, is convinced of this. The author of numerous texts of international importance, John Keane proposes a radically new interpretation of the destiny of democracy in the twenty-first century. And he has coined a new definition to deal with: monitory democracy.


    John Keane, born in Australia in 1949, lives in Sydney. He is Professor of Political Theory at the University of Sydney and at the Research Centre for Social Sciences in Berlin (WZB). Keane is also a member of the Royal Society of Arts, founder of the Research Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD), external adviser to the United Nations and member of the American Institutions of Democracy Commission. His texts include: The Life and Death of Democracy, Global Civil Society?, Vaclav Havel: a political tragedy in Six Acts, the award-winning Tom Paine: a political life e Media and Democracy, which has been translated into more than twenty languages. Potere e Umiltà. Il futuro della monitory democracy is in its first Italian edition.